English proverb 1

خليجية خليجية

يُؤْتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَنْ يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّا أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَاب

الامثال هى فلسفة الشعوب وبها حكمة وقيمة. علاوة على انها جملة مفيدة يمكن
الاستفادة بها فى الكلام لتلخص موضوع كبير.
سوف اقوم ا ن شاء الله برعاية هذا القسم والاهتمام بة ونشر كل يوم مثل

لمن يهوى المعلومة والحكمة واللغة يتابعنا.

وحسب تشجيعكم سيكون العمل حتى ننشىء هذا القسم ان شاء الله ويكون من اهم الاقسام
فى المنتدى.

خير مثل نبدأ به هو:

God helps those who help themselves

الله يساعد الذين يساعدون انفسهم

فلا تنتظر مساعدة من الله او من الناس إلا اذا ساعدت نفسك اولا واجتهدت واخذت بكل

God = الله
helps = يساعد
those = هؤلاء
who = الذين
themselves = انفسهم

خليجية خليجية

يسسلموا حبي علي الطرح ودي وتقديري

thanks dear samer for passing by

خواطــر انجليزية English Thoughts


The Beauty of life
does not depend
on how happy you are,
but on happy others can be


Somebody say Happiness is life
Others say it’s Freedom
& Some of them say it’s money
But to me, it’s the tone of Message


You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on


Hope you like them

see ya

Beautiful thoughts

thanks 4 subject


يسلموووووووووع الرد

منوره يالغلا

يعطيك الف عافيه

دمت بود


Wonderful thoughts my dear

I lkie them soooooooooomuch

especially : Somebody say Happiness is life
Others say it’s Freedom
& Some of them say it’s money
But to me, it’s the tone of Message

My God bless you and Be with you

My Best Regards


See you

realy its awonderful thoughts i hope to get amercy frome the god in the other life my heart is go on its for jinefr lopis song i thing that>
some body say hi some body say by some beople forget you but never I say you later

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة جنون الحب خليجية

wonderful thoughts my dear

i lkie them soooooooooomuch

especially : Somebody say happiness is life
others say it’s freedom
& some of them say it’s money
but to me, it’s the tone of message

my god bless you and be with you

my best regards


see you


يعطيييك الف الف الف عافيييه ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة من حبي ليك لغيري اعطيك خليجية
realy its awonderful thoughts i hope to get amercy frome the god in the other life my heart is go on its for jinefr lopis song i thing that>
some body say hi some body say by some beople forget you but never i say you later


يعطيييك الف الف الف عافيييه ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©


It’s worth reading :
May Allah Bless you


يعطيييك الف الف الف عافيييه ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط© ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

What Is English

English is a rich and confusing ********. It has borrowed words from French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, and many other ********s. American English, as spoken in the United States and much of Canada, also includes many words taken from American Indian ********s. To add to the confusion, English is basically a Germanic ******** that has been forced into a Latin grammatical framework and it does not always fit. Yet, even with all the difficulties involved in learning English, it has become the most widely used ******** in the world. The fact that it is widely used does not, however, mean that it is always used correctly or accurately, even by many native-born North Americansن25 خليجية

What Is English
تسلمي رينو
يعطيكي العافية


مشكوره رينو

ودى يا عسل

Thank,s Renooooooooooo

اسعدني مروركم ن5

What Is English

يسلموووووووو رينو يعطيك العااافيه


دوم فى تقدم تحيااااتى ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

يسسسسسسلموووووووو معتز على مرورك النايس

Relax and Learn English with me

Relax and Learn English with me

Relax and Learn English with me

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hi there ..

i thought that i might help someone with this topic so i submit it

Lets go خليجية

English – Grammar

we will talk about:

English Tenses Aktive -:

Simple Present
Present Progressive
Simple Past
Past Progressive

lets start with : Simple Present
Form of Simple Present
P: He speaks.
N: He does not speak.
Q: Does he speak?
Use of Simple Present

Simple Present is used for actions and situations in the present.
Facts and situations in the present

Expresses a fact or given situation.

Our secretary works very hard.
I do not agree with you.
Actions in the present

Actions that take place never, once, several times or regualary. (see also: signal words)

Mister Brown never attends a meeting. He always sends me.
Actions set by a ti****ble or schedule

Actions in the future that we cannot influence, as their course is set by a ti****ble or schedule.

The train leaves at 6:24.
The conference starts at 9:30.
Signal Words of Simple Present

always, every …, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually If Clause Type I (If I talk, …)

next : Present Progressive
Form of Present Progressive
P: He is speaking.
N: He is not speaking.
Q: Is he speaking?
Use of Present Progressive

Present Progressive is used for actions in the present and focusses on the course or duration of the action.
Action taking place now

Being in the middle of doing something at the time of speaking.

Carla is preparing the briefing.
I am looking for Mister Miller’s phone number.
Action taking place for a limited period of time only.

Actions that don’t take place regularly, but only temporarily.

Mister Thomson is on sick leave, that’s why I am doing his job.
Three temporary employees are helping out this month.
Arranged future actions

Future actions that are already arranged (and maybe even jot down in a diary)

I am meeting Misses Walker at 5 pm.
Bob is doing overtime tomorrow.
Signal Words of Present Progressive

at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now

Simple Past
Form of Simple Past
P: He spoke.
N: He did not speak.
Q: Did he speak?
Use of Simple Past

Simple Past is used for actions and situations in the past.
Facts and situations in the past

Expresses a fact or given situation in the past.

Our secretary worked very hard.
I did not agree with you.
Actions in the past

Actions in the past that took place never, once, several times or regualary. (see also: signal words)

Mister Brown never attended any meeting. He always sent me.
Actions taking place one after another

Actions in the past that took place one after the other.

Mister Sanders came into the office, checked his mailbox and went straight to the briefing.
What a horrible day: first my computer crashed, then our best customer canceled their order and on my way home my car broke down.

Past Progressive

Form of Past Progressive
P: He was speaking.
N: He was not speaking.
Q: Was he speaking?
Use of Past Progressive

Past Progressive is used for actions in the past and focusses on the course or duration of the action.
Action taking place at a certain moment in the past

Being in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the past.

At two o’clock, Carla was preparing the contract.
Yesterday I was looking for Mister Miller’s phone number.
Actions happening simultaneously

Actions in the past happening at the same time (over a longer period of time).

While Claire was preparing her presentation, Tom was showing the customer around.
While Sarah was looking for the ********s, I was keeping the customer on the line.
Being in the middle of an action, when another action set in

Action taking place over a longer period of time in the past when (suddenly) another (shorter) action set in. (see also: Simple Past)

I was sitting in a meeting, when my mobile suddenly rang.
When I came in, John was playing solitaire.
Signal Words of Past Progressive

when, while, as long as

have a nice day

يسلمــــــــــــووو ويعطيك العـــــــــــافية احــــــــــمد

يسلمو ميدو ع الطرح

يسَلمو قوت على مررورك ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

يسَلمو كازا على مرورك ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

تسسلم ميدوًَِ
عِ الموَضوَع

يسَلمو شموٍسسـَه على مرورك ط®ظ„ظٹط¬ظٹط©

English proverb

خليجية خليجية
يُؤْتِي الْحِكْمَةَ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَمَنْ يُؤْتَ الْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِيَ خَيْرًا كَثِيرًا وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّا أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ

الامثال هى فلسفة الشعوب وبها حكمة وقيمة. علاوة على انها جملة مفيدة يمكن
الاستفادة بها فى الكلام لتلخص موضوع كبير.
سوف اقوم ا ن شاء الله برعاية هذا القسم والاهتمام بة ونشر كل يوم مثل

لمن يهوى المعلومة والحكمة واللغة يتابعنا.

وحسب تشجيعكم سيكون العمل حتى ننشىء هذا القسم ان شاء الله ويكون من اهم الاقسام
فى المنتدى.

خير مثل نبدأ به هو:


الله يساعد الذين يساعدون انفسهم

فلا تنتظر مساعدة من الله او من الناس إلا اذا ساعدت نفسك اولا واجتهدت واخذت بكل

GOD = الله
HELPS = يساعد
THOSE = هؤلاء
WHO = الذين


خليجية خليجية

******** type=”text/**********”> new TypingText(********.getElementById(“564140”)); TypingText.runAll(); ***********

يسسلموا حبي علي الطرح ودي وتقديري

thank you dear samer for passing by

thanks samer for being here

Test your English

][`~*¤!||!¤*~`][ابو ايمن ][`~*¤!||!¤*~`][

مرحبا ابوي

قعد يقولي هل تعرفني ومتى تخرجت من الجامعه وايش الجوله اللي سافرتها مرتين وخرابيط مثل كذا

وين اختبار الانجليزي ؟؟؟؟

بس الموقع فكرته حلوة مره وزين دليتنا عليه

يعطيك الف عافيه

تقبل مروري


هلا خيو

حتى انا مافهمت له

بس بصراحه الموقع حلو

يعطيك العافيه

يعطيك العافيه عالموضوع المفيد ننتظر جديدك(uu6

يسلموو اخووي

موقع حلووووووووووووووو