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اتمنى تساعدوني

سلام عليهم خليجية

اخباركم ؟؟>>> قولي بسرعه بدون مقدماااات هع


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المهم استاذتي طلبة منا مقال عن الاغذيه الصحيه والغير صحيه بس يكون بالغة english

عارفه اني اتشرط عليكم بس بنت ثالث ثانوي لازم تعمل كل شي عشان ماتنقص حتى ربع درجه واستاذتي ع انه مايبين في عينها شي بس يلا امري لله هع

اتمنى تسعدووووني

لكم كل الشكر

اسحبي على المدرسه ههههههههههه

لالا شوفي وركزي معاي

روحي على هذا الرابط

ط¯ط¹ظˆط© ط§ظ„ظ‰ ط§ظ„ط؛ط°ط§ط، ط§ظ„طµط*ظٹ « ط؛ط°ط§ط¤ظƒ ظ‡ظˆ ط*ظٹط§طھظƒ

وبعدين شوفي الكلام اذا عجبك انسخيه وروحي على هذا الرابط الثاني وهوه مترجم فوري حطي الكلام فيه وترجميه بالانجليزي واطبعيه وانتهى الفلم

هذا الرابط الثاني


واي خدمه انا حاظر

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة القبطان خليجية
اسحبي على المدرسه ههههههههههه

لالا شوفي وركزي معاي

روحي على هذا الرابط

ط¯ط¹ظˆط© ط§ظ„ظ‰ ط§ظ„ط؛ط°ط§ط، ط§ظ„طµط*ظٹ « ط؛ط°ط§ط¤ظƒ ظ‡ظˆ ط*ظٹط§طھظƒ

وبعدين شوفي الكلام اذا عجبك انسخيه وروحي على هذا الرابط الثاني وهوه مترجم فوري حطي الكلام فيه وترجميه بالانجليزي واطبعيه وانتهى الفلم

هذا الرابط الثاني


واي خدمه انا حاظر


يعطيك الف الف عافيه

فكتني من هالاستاذه

بس ياقلبوووو ابغى ب e

ومافهمت ع الرابط الثاني

ياليت ياليت تكتبه لي بe

Outdoor Eating Food Safety Tips

The summer marks the height of the picnic and barbeque season. To protect yourself, your family, and friends from food borne illness, practice safe food handling techniques when eating outdoors. Keep these tips in mind when preparing, storing, and cooking food for picnics and barbecues.

When You Transport Food

• Keep cold food cold. Place cold food in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs. Cold food should be held at or below 40°F. Limit the times the cooler is opened.
• Consider packing beverages in one cooler and perishable foods in another.
• Meat, poultry, and seafood may be packed while it is still frozen so that it stays colder longer. Be sure to keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood securely wrapped so their juices don’t contaminate *****d foods or foods eaten raw such as fruits and vegetables.
• Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running tap water, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten. Packaged fruits and vegetables labeled "ready-to-eat," "washed," or "triple washed" need not be washed.
• Rub firm-skin fruits and vegetables under running tap water or scrub with a clean vegetable brush while rinsing with running tap water.
• Dry fruits and vegetables with a clean cloth towel or paper
• towel.

Before You Begin

• Food safety begins with hand-washing even in outdoor settings. And it can be as simple as using a water jug, some soap, and paper towels.
• Consider using moist disposable towelettes for cleaning your hands.
• Keep all utensils and platters clean when preparing food.

Preparing the poultry and birds

Risks from gutting poultry and birds at home
* Removing the guts and other internal organs from poultry and birds in the home carries the increased risk of contaminating kitchen worktops and equipment with harmful bacteria.
* If a bird’s stomach or intestine ruptures during removal, bacteria can spread from the *******s of the guts. This could contaminate the meat – or other foods – and cause food poisoning.

General advice

It is always better to ask your supplier to gut the poultry or bird for you, when you buy it.

If this is not possible we recommend that you take these precautions:
• use an insulated cool bag to transport the carcase to home
• get the poultry or bird into a fridge quickly – ideally within 1-2 hours
• store raw poultry or bird away from *****d food
• put raw poultry or bird at the bottom of the fridge to avoid it dripping on to other food
• always wash your hands, using warm water and soap, after handling raw meat, poultry or bird, and before touching other food
• clean the preparation area thoroughly before and after you start gutting the bird
When gutting poultry or a bird
• handle and remove the innards well away from other foods to avoid contamination of worktops and other foods
• use disposable cloths, paper towels and disposable gloves whenever possible
• the guts should be removed carefully from the rear of the bird and the heart from the neck
• avoid rupturing the intestines and spilling the *******s of the gut
• keep work surfaces and equipment clean and dry during use.
After gutting poultry or bird
• don’t wash poultry or bird meat because any splashing might spread bacteria around the kitchen
• wipe blood clots off the bird with paper kitchen roll
• dispose of removed innards and any other inedible material carefully in a waste bin – place it in a sealed container before disposing of it
• wash utensils and work surfaces thoroughly in warm soapy water after use and, if possible, disinfect them
• wash your hands thoroughly in warm soapy water after handling raw poultry and dry thoroughly

Keep raw meat away from ready-to-eat food

Raw meat can contain food poisoning bugs. So if raw meat touches or drips onto food that is already *****d or ready to eat, the bugs can get onto that food. Bugs can also transfer onto food from your hands, chopping board, knife or tongs. This is called cross-contamination. You can prevent it by doing the following things.
• Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat.
• Use separate utensils for raw and *****d meat.
• Never put *****d food on a plate or surface that has been used for raw meat.
• Keep raw meat in a sealed container away from ready-to-eat foods, such as burger buns and salads.
Don’t put raw meat products next to *****d or partially *****d meat on the barbecue

Safe Grilling Tips & Cooking barbecued food properly

• Marinate foods in the refrigerator, not on the counter or outdoors. If some of the marinade is to be used as a sauce on the *****d food, reserve a portion separately before adding the raw meat, poultry, or seafood. Don’t reuse marinade
• Don’t add sauce or marinade to *****d food if it has already been used with raw meat
• Don’t use the same platter and utensils that previously held raw meat or seafood to serve *****d meats and seafood.
• Always make sure you cook chicken, burgers, sausages and kebabs until they’re piping hot all the way through, none of the meat is pink and any juices run clear.
If you partially cook food to reduce grilling time, do so immediately before the food goes on the hot grill.
• If you’re barbecuing for lots of people, you could cook meat indoors and finish it off on the barbecue for added flavour.
• Remember, when you reheat food on the barbecue, always make sure it’s piping hot all the way through before serving.


• Wait until the charcoal is glowing red, with a powdery grey surface, before you start to cook.
• Make sure frozen food is properly thawed before you cook it.
• Turn the food regularly, and move it around the barbecue, to cook it evenly.
• Check that the centre of the food is piping hot.
• Don’t assume that if meat is charred on the outside that it will be *****d properly on the inside.

Use a food thermometer to be sure.

o Steaks and roasts: beef, veal, and lamb – 145°F.
o Ground: beef, veal and lamb – 160°F.
o Poultry breasts and ground poultry – 165°F.
o Whole poultry (take measurement in the thigh) – 165°F.
o Fin fish – 145°F or until the flesh is opaque and separates easily with a fork.
o Shrimp, lobster, and crabs – the meat should be pearly and opaque.
o Clams, oysters, and mussels – until the ****ls are open.
o Grilled food can be kept hot until served by moving it to the side of the grill rack, just away from the coals where it can overcook.

When You Serve Food

• Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot.
• Do not use a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, or seafood for anything else unless the plate has first been washed in hot, soapy water.
• Hot food should be kept hot, at or above 140°F. Wrap well and place in an insulated container.
• Foods like chicken salad and desserts in individual serving dishes can also be placed directly on ice, or in a shallow container set in a deep pan filled with ice. Drain off water as ice melts and replace ice frequently.
• Don’t let perishable food sit out longer than 2 hours.
• Food should not sit out for more than 1 hour in temperatures above 90°F

ماقصر شايب الباحه الله يعطيه العافيه ترجمه لك

واذا في اي شي صعب معاكي كمان انا والاخوان مارح نقصر معاكي

امووووووورة يالغلا صوت ماقصر معاكي
واذا تبين اى شي يحنى بالخدمة يالغالية
والله يوفقك ولا تسمعين كلام القبطاااان
بعدين بتساعدينة بالسفينة وما بدشين الجامعة يالغالية
الله يوفقك يالغالية واذا تبين اى شي بالخدمة يالغلا

شايب الباحه يعطيك العافيه

بس خيو الكلام غير اللي باالرابط الحمدلله اني ترجمت قبل مارحت يوم السبت وفشلتني جنب الطالبات هههههههههه هع

خيو القبطان

الكلام غير اللي في الرابط 🙁

اختي اميرة الغلا

يعطيج العافيه

هههههههههههههههههههههههههه لا افا عليج بس دعواتج لي خليجية

هلا حبيبتي اموره

اي نفس ماقلتي الكلام غير اللي بالرابط

لانه بعض الترجمه ماتكون صحيحه

تغير الكلام بس خلاص ولا يهمك انشاءالله اقدر اساعدج

لي عوده خليجية

مقال عن الاغذيه الصحيه والغير صحيه بس يكون بالغة

وانا حطيت لك سلامة غذائك ونصائح مهمة
موضوع جميل احتفظ فيه لكونه يحمل عدة جوانب مهمة ولم اقل لك اني ترجمة لك موضوع اخي القبطان علما انيي لم اشاهد ما وضعه بس من خلال مشاركته عرفت انه يشير لك لترجمه وهذه الترجمه تكون حرفيه او ترجمة كلمات وتكون خاطئة جدا
والهدف من مشاركتي مساعدتك في تكوين موضوع من جهدك ومحاولة مني لمساعدتك في بعض الجمل والكلمات لتكوين مقالك وتحلي واجبك

لاتتوقعي مني احل لك واجب في منتدى او غيره لاني مدرس واعرف الهدف من الواجب

دمتي بود

هلا ريوف تسلمي والله ماقصرتي معاي يعطيج العافيه

اخوي شايب الباحه

يؤيؤ خيو ايش فيك ؟؟

انا افكر نفس الموضوع لانه عجبني موضوع اخوي قلت باخذه بس قلت له جيت انت فكرت انك اخذت الموضوع وعملته لي وانا والله دوبني مسجله عشان كذا ولا اعرف عن اي حد شي لا هذا مدرس ولا هذا طبيب ولا هذا طيار

يعطيك العافيه خيو وسوري ع الازعاج


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