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اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الى الانجليزية فى الفقه الاسلامى

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
اخواني لقد وجدت هذا الكنز من الكتب المترجمة الى الانجليزية وهي فى كل مجالاات الفقه الاسلامي وتعريف الاسلام والتعريف بالخالق الواحد الاحد ومعجزات القرآن واحببت ان ارفقها فى منتدانا لكى تعم الفائدة على كل من دخل الاسلام من الاجانب ونخاطبهم بلغتهم .
وسابدء على بركة الله
اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات
Muhammad (PBUH) (Blessings and Peace be upon him) was born in Makkah, Arabia, on Monday, 12 Rabi’ Al-Awwal (2 August C.E). His mother, Aminah was the daughter of Wahb bin Abd Al-Manaf of the Zahrah family. His father, Abdullah, was the son of Abd Al-Muttalib. His genealogy has been traced to the noble house of Isma’il, the son of Ibrahim (Abraham) (PBUH) (May Peace be upon him) in about the fortieth descent. Muhammad’s father had died before his birth and his mother died when he was about six years old making him an orphan. In accordance with the tradition of noble families of Makkah, he was taken by a foster mother, Halimah, to her village where he lived for a few years. During these years he was taken to Makkah several times to visit his mother. After the death of his mother, he was placed under the custody of his grandfather, Abd Al-Muttalib. When the grandfather died, he was under the care of his uncle, Abu Talib. By this time he used to look after sheep around Makkah and used to accompany his uncle on trade journeys to Syria.
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The Conditions, Pillars And Requirements Of The Prayer
اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتلحقيقيIn this short treatise, Imaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Wahhaab, may Allaah have mercy on him, briefly outlines the nine conditions for the acceptance of one’s prayer, as well as the fourteen pillars and eight requirements of the prayer, mentioning some of their proofs and evidences from the Book and the Sunnah. A condition is something that is required before the commencement of prayer in order for it to be valid. “The pillars are that which if one fails to perform any of them out of forgetfulness or intentionally, his prayer is rendered invalid because of his abandoning it. The requirements are that which if one fails to perform any of them intentionally, his prayer is rendered invalid due to his abandoning it, but if he leaves any of them due to forgetfulness, he is obligated to perform the (extra) prostrations for forgetfulness.” The author also lists the conditions, obligations, requirements and nullifiers of wudoo (ablution). The translator has provided a quick reference guide as an appendix listing each of these points, as well as footnotes with hadeeth references and other comments gathered from several sources of this treatise.

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70 Matters Related To Fasting

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات
Allah (swt) has blessed His slaves with certain seasons of goodness, in which hasanat (rewards for good deeds) are multiplied, sayyi’at (bad deeds) are forgiven, people’s status is raised and the hearts of the believers turn to their Lord. Those who purify themselves attain success and those who corrupt themselves fail One of the greatest acts of worship is fasting, which Allah has made obligatory to his slaves. As the status of this act of worship is so high, it is essential to learn the Ahkam (rulings) that have to do with the month of fasting, so that the Muslim will know what is obligatory, in order to do it, what is haram, in order to avoid it, and what is permissible, so that he does not need to subject himself to hardship by depriving himself of it. This book is a good summary of the rulings, etiquettes, and Sunnah of fasting.

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اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات
Allah Exalted Be He And Why Man Was Created
Praise be to Allah, Lord of Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists), and peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad the noblest of all messengers, his relatives, all his friends and whoever calls for his message to the Day of Recompense …Conveying Islamic Message Society has received from some Muslims in the European countries questions asked by the so- called Christian missionaries. Those questions are:
1. Who is Allah?
2. How to reach Allah and how to be faithful to Him?
3. What is the way to paradise?
4. Have you done all the deeds necessary to enter paradise?
5. How then do we enter paradise by His grace and mercy only?
6. How can Allah be merciful and just at the same time?
These questions were concluded by the statement "Jesus is God’s Sacrifice"

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The Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the best role model for all humankind. Among his outstanding virtues and characteristics, he was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and a unique grandfather. He was also a great statesman, judge, and spiritual ******************. His most distinctive quality, however, was the fact that he was a blessing to all in both word and deed. He infused justice, love, and dignity in all those around him. He spread the power of brotherhood to the extent that it became exceptional in human history. Affirming that these grand virtues were bestowed on him by Allah the Almighty and that He prepared His loyal messenger to call for the true religion, is part of one’s belief. The Qur’an describes the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as merciful and kind to the believers. Allah the Almighty says, {Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.) (At-Tawbah 9:128)
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The Night Prayer In Ramadaan
اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

Before you is a complete translation of the book “Qiyaamu Ramadaan” (The Night Prayer in Ramadaan) written by Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee. This treatise is in essence an abridged version of one of Al-Albaanee’s other books, Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh, along with several additional points of benefit and a section on ‘Itikaaf. The book’s introduction also consists of a counter-refutation against those who replied to Al-Albaanee’s afore-mentioned book on Taraaweeh. The main core of the book, however, contains a point-by-point discussion on the Night Prayer in Ramadaan, as well as the benefits and rulings of ‘Itikaaf, along with their evidences. The Arabic ************ for all ayaat and ahaadeeth have also been included in this edition so as to increase the benefit for those readers who wish to memorize the proofs. This book contains the Arabic ************ for all of its narrations so as to make it an easy to study reference-guide.

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GOD Arises: Evidence Of God In Nature & Science

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

This book, the result of 30 years of exhaustive research, attempts to present the basic teachings of religion in the light of modern knowledge and in a manner consistent with modern scientific methods. After a thorough investigation of the subject, the writer has reached the conclusion that religious teachings are, academically, valid and as understandable and intellectually acceptable as any of the theories propounded by men of science. "… in the fourteen hundred years of Islamic history, innumerable books on Islam have appeared. Three are just few books calling mankind to God. They are clearly distinguishable from the rest because of the clarity and force with they make their appeal without doubt, this book is one of that kind."

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Islam And Christianity

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

Islam and Christianity asserts the fact that Christianity, as taught by Christ himself (pbuh), and Islam are sister religions. Islam the true religion of Jesus (pbuh) revived by a fresh Revelation and perfected to cover all aspects of human life and to give guidance to the nations of all times. Islam is, in short, the universal religion. In the comparative study between Islam and Christianity, the reader will notice the tolerant approach of Islam toward other revealed religions.

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A Guide To Accounting Zakah

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

A Guide to Accounting Zakah sheds light on how calculate Zakah due in different commercial, industrial and economic activities of various institutions and businesses. Also the second part of this book deals with Zakatul-Fitr. On whom is it obligatory? To whom should it be given? What types of food should be given or can money be substituted? These questions and others are answered herein, along with some brief notes on fasting itself.

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The Battles Of The Prophet (pbuh

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

This Book is extracted from the Book of Imam Ibn Kathir ‘Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah’ one of the most important ************s written about the History of the World until the time of the author. As with many Translation of Ibn Kathirs Works this is an Abridged version without impairing the *********************s of the book. All of the Prophet’s battles occurred after the Hijrah, within a span of ten years. The Prophet sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam had to fight in many of these battles. This book has a de******ion of the Battles of Badr, ‘Uhud, al Ahzab, Banu Quraizah, Al-Muraisi, Khaibar, Mu’tah, Conquest of Makkah, Hunain and Tabuk.


Translator’s Note
Preface to the first Edition
Preface to the second Edition
The Battle of Badr
The Battle of Uhud
The Battle of Al-Ahzab
The Battle of Banu Quraizah
The Battle of Al-Muraisi
The Battle of Khaibar
The Battle of Mu’tah
The Conquest of Makkah
The Battle of Hunain
The Battle of Tabuk
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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Blessing For Mankind
Muhammad (pbuh) In The Bible

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالاتهذه الصورة مصغره … نقرة على هذا الشريط لعرض الصوره بالمقاس الحقيقياكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات

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Sahih Al-Bukhari (9 Vol. Set – Arabic-English

اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الانجليزية مجالات
Generally regarded as the single most authentic collection of Ahadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance from the messenger of Allah. This 9-Volume Bukhari is the work of over 16 years by Imam Bukhari who before writing any Hadith in this book performed two Rakat prayer of guidance from Allah and when he was sure of the Hadith’s authenticity, he wrote it in the book. Tremendous amounts of errors exist in the translations by other translators. To eliminate the problem Dar-us-Salam spent over 3 years in the publication of this book and presented a book which is translated into English in a very easy & simple ************************, so that all readers can understand it without difficulty. This is the unabridged version consisting of 7563 ahadith (about 4000 ************s) which are presented neatly in smaller books format and printed on fine paper. Each book (subtopics in each volume categorized by very broad topics such as the Book of As-Salat) contains many chapters which represent one logical unit of Ahadith. Each book contains anywhere from one to 150 chapters with each chapter containing several Ahadith. This book will be a great addition to your library while giving you a true perspective on the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH). In Imam Bukhari’s ‘Al-Jami-al-Sahih’ (Sahih Al Bukhari) the Imam had recorded all the Sayings of the Prophet which he found to be genuine after thorough examination and scrutiny. He spent sixteen years in research and examined more than sixty thousand Sayings from which he selected only sayings whose genuineness and accuracy he established beyond the slightest doubt. Deducting duplicates, the Imam’s collection contain about four thousand distinct Sayings.

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اكبر مكتبة مترجمة الى الانجليزية فى الفقه الاسلامى

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